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Designed by The Talent Foundry, an independent education charity, in partnership with M&G plc, the programme supports students in how to develop employability skills such as communication, networking, interview preparation, as well as managing budgets and finance.

The impact of the Coronavirus pandemic on the employment prospects of many young people has increased the importance of employability programmes. This brand new digital platform has been launched to respond to young people’s needs: the platform hosts a wealth of resources aimed at improving employability by providing a unique insight into the world of work and the skills needed to succeed.

Skills for Life in Action

We took our Skills for Life programme to Middlesbrough this year. Click here to find out more and read why teachers called the experience 'life-changing' for students.

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Making the most of now

Staying positive in challenging times

Don’t let bad news and negativity ruin your day. Follow our guide, refocus your mind and bring positivity into your life.

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Top tips for productivity

These productivity tips will help you make every minute count.

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Building your online network Online

Networking can be a great way to meet new people, especially if you’re not naturally comfortable approaching people in person.

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Building the best team

Understanding the importance of good team dynamics and how to play your part in that is a crucial element of job satisfaction and creating a positive working environment. A team with positive group dynamics can work together towards a collective goal - something that is absolutely critical for organisational success.

Working with others
Job seekers

Enhance your CV!

M&G want to help you enhance your CV! This is a fantastic opportunity for you to submit your CV for review by one of our M&G team who will provide written feedback on how the content, layout and style of your CV can be made more appealing to potential employers. We will also edit the CV itself!

Register your CV

Financial skills

Managing your money

Money is something that is often quite hard to understand. Invest the time now to improve your financial knowledge and skills ready for when you start earning your own money and are responsible for making your own financial decisions.

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