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We respect your right to privacy and will process personal information you provide only in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (EU Regulation) 2016, the Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive) Regulations 2003 and other applicable privacy laws.

When you visit this website, we collect some basic information such as which pages you accessed on this website, the time and date you accessed these pages and what browser was used. This information is used for running analytics on the performance of the site. In addition, we also collect other technical details such as your Internet Protocol (IP) address which is used to identify what companies have interacted with the website (for company-name identification, this processing only identifies a company domain name and will not be used to identify an individual).

Some of our websites collect personal data and you can access these from the links available on this site ‘our websites’ and ‘careers’. For information on how your personal data is collected and processed on these websites please review the relevant Privacy and Cookies policy, available separately on each website, to understand how your personal data could be processed, your personal data rights and how you can exercise them.

This Privacy policy is updated from time to time, and was last updated April 2020.

The M&G plc Cookie Policy is available here.

Please contact the Data Protection Office if you have any questions regarding this policy: M&G plc Data Protection Office Address: 10 Fenchurch Avenue, London. EC3M 5AG Email:

Any other third party websites linking to or from our website should have their own privacy policies and we accept no responsibility or liability for the privacy practices of other organisations.